================================================================ This is a monthly e-mail update for subscribers only, sent from U-Publish.com, the web site named for the revolutionary guide to new methods for publishing and promoting books by Dan Poynter and Danny O. Snow. Get the paperback, now available to order from all major bookstores and online booksellers, or order direct from us at http://www.u-publish.com/order.htm at a discount. ================================================================ *** Better than Bookstores? Co-author Dan Snow asks: Want some jazz with your java? On March 22, Forbes reported that Starbucks coffee shops will soon offer music downloads: http://www.forbes.com/2004/03/22/cx_ld_0322mondaymatchup_print.html Why is this of interest to authors and publishers? Because books could be next! Whether or not Starbucks starts selling books, more and more self-publishing authors and independent publishers are discovering that non-bookstore outlets like coffee shops can be BETTER than bookstores, for several reasons: -- There are more of them. As reported by co-author Dan Poynter in "Book Marketing: A New Approach," The American Booksellers Ass'n estimates that there are TEN TIMES more retail outlets than bookstores per se. And there is growing trend (like Starbucks) of retailers expanding beyond their primary products. -- Their customers are often more interested. For example, a book about gardening may interest only a small percentage of a bookstore's customers... but practically ALL the customers of a tree nursery are interested in gardening of some kind. If you have a book about gardening, a tree nursery is probably a better place to sell it. Match the subject matter of your book to the right kind of store, and see for yourself. -- They pay more. Mainstream book industry wholesalers and retailers expect big discounts, usually totalling at least 40% and often more. Many retailers other than bookstores feel that a 30% discount is generous. -- They pay faster. Large book distributors often pay 120 to 180 days in arrears; other retailers may pay on the spot. -- They return fewer books. An outlet like a tree nursery may not even ask about returning books, while few bookstores will stock books (or even order them) unless the books are fully returnable. Nearly any book with a clearly identifiable audience can gain more readers (and more sales) from marketing through non- traditional outlets outside the conventional book trade. The fact that these sales are more lucrative, faster and less risky are just icing on the cake... or whipped cream on your cappuccino! ================================================================ *** Funds for Writers C. Hope Clark edits Funds for Writers and offers "high hope for the freelance writer." See http://www.fundsforwriters.com Tip courtesy of Independent Publisher Online http://www.independentpublisher.com ================================================================ *** Free Guide to Self-Publishing "Publishing Basics" by veteran print broker Ron Pramschufer of Books Just Books is a promotional item, but contains good info for the self-publisher, whether or not you work with Ron. It's free. Simply e-mail Ron@rjcom.com to request a copy. As an additional courtesy, Ron has kindly offered to extend a discount to subscribers, should you decide to publish with Books Just Books. Just mention this newsletter. ================================================================ Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your fellow authors and publishers. This is a free service that is available to anyone in the book world upon request. We don't endorse specific products or services, and we do not accept advertising. You may subscribe or un-subscribe at any time. ================================================================ *** Humor: Tax Filing Reminder Don't forget to add extra stamps when you mail in this year's tax payments. After all, they have to go all the way to Iraq! ================================================================ *** Reminder: Ghost Stories Wanted Ginnie Bivona of Atriad Press is looking for new stories: "Our next Haunted Encounters release will feature true experiences with departed family and friends. Deadline is June 1, 2004. Check our web site for submission guidelines." http://www.atriadpress.com ================================================================ *** Reminder: Buzz Your Book Class helps authors get buzz for books, ficiton and non-ficiton. It's a six week online class, starting the last monday in April: http://writersweekly.com/wwu/courses/marketing.html -- Tip Courtesy of M.J. Rose: http://www.mjrose.com ================================================================ *** Reminder: Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition Entries are now being accepted for the 24th Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition, created to encourage the efforts of writers who have not yet achieved major-market success. Writers compete for a $1,000 first prize, $500 second prize, and $500 third prize in this international competition. Several honorable mentions are also awarded. Stories in all genres of fiction are welcome. Maximum length is 3,000 words, and writers retain all rights to their work. The final deadline is May 15, 2004; winners will be announced at the end of July. For guidelines, visit http://www.shortstorycompetition.com or e-mail Calico2419@aol.com, or send an SASE to the Lorian Hemingway Competition, P.O. Box 993, Key West, FL 33041. ================================================================ *** Reminder: Got Our Book? Some newsletter subscribers have not yet read the book for which it is named: "U-Publish.com: How 'U' Can Effectively Compete with the Giants of Publishing." We have a few copies remaining at a special discount for our newsletter subscribers only. E-mail co-publisher@u-publish.com to request yours at a special rate, well below the public price. ================================================================ Inside tip from Poynter & Snow: ALWAYS READ THE FINE PRINT! Here's ours: This is a free e-mail bulletin from U-Publish.com, the web site named for the book by Dan Poynter and Danny O. Snow. Bulletins are sent by subscription only. You may subscribe or unsubscribe at any time. Simply contact us by e-mail at: newsdesk@u-publish.com We do not endorse specific products or services, and we do not accept advertising. We will not sell your name, address or other personal information to others for any reason at any time. Our goal is to serve as advocates for the self-publisher or independent publisher, large or small. We welcome your participation, feedback, criticism, and suggestions. We learn from our readers, and value your input. Please visit http://www.u-publish.com at least once each month, for periodic updates of interest to writers and publishers. Please feel free to forward copies of this message to fellow writers and publishers. This is a free service, available to to anyone in the book world upon request. ================================================================..please check your e-mail settings and consider changing them from "HTML" output to "Text Only" settings instead. Some e-mail software such as Microsoft Outlook may send e-mail messages in the same format (HTML) as a web page, which can cause problems for recipients who use other software. File attachments (especially large ones) also cause problems for some recipients and should be avoided unless they are specifically requested by the recipient. Put pictures on your Web site and include the location (but NOT the picture) in your e-mail messages. For example, if you want to see a photo of Poynter and Snow, click the link below: http://www.u-publish.com/images/poynter4.jpg Finally, when you type messages, we *strongly* suggest ending each line by pressing the Enter key after typing about 60-80 characters, as we are doing here. This allows recipients to forward your e-mail to others with fewer formatting problems. If you are sending e-mail to the public, you want all of your messages to arrive simple and problem-free. The suggestions above will help you reach more people by e-mail, more effectively. ================================================================
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