
This is a free e-mail bulletin for subscribers only, sent from
"U-Publish.com," the website named for the revolutionary guide
to new methods for publishing and promoting books by Dan Poynter
and Danny O. Snow.  Watch for the new 2002 edition, coming soon!


        *** Advance Orders for New Edition

To our many subscribers who placed advance orders for the up-
coming third edition last month:  Thanks!  Response has been
even better than expected!

You will receive the first copies printed.  We will not cash
your checks until the books are ready, hopefully during late
March or April.  For those who have not yet ordered, please
see the special offer at the bottom of this page.


        *** Compare Print-on-Demand Services

See DeHanna Bailee's "Compare POD Database" for a side-by-side
comparison of several companies that offer POD publishing:



        *** Track Amazon Sales Easily

Free site tracks any book (or several) on Amazon.com and
reports sales ranking:


Great for authors and publishers who have multiple titles in
print.  Remember that Amazon rankings can be deceptive.
They offer more than 2 million titles, most of which sell NO
copies on any given day -- so a small number of sales can
cause daily rankings to vary widely.  The top 100,000 are
ranked daily; the rest are updated monthly.

As always, Poynter & Snow advocate selling directly to
readers and non-bookstore retailers whenever possible.
For details, see "Non-Traditional Markets" in our book.


Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free service that is
available to all publishing professionals on request.


        *** BookTech 2002 Freebie

Danny O. Snow will speak about POD publishing technologies at
BookTech 2002, running February 11-13 at the New York Hilton.

As a subscriber to U-Publish.com, you are entitled to FREE
admission to Snow's session. In addition, you can receive:


CONTACT: Rachel Bilyk at 888-627-2630 or booktech@napco.com OR
you were referred by Dan Snow, thanks.


        *** Other Public Appearances for 2002

Dan Poynter is criss-crossing North America to spread the word
about eBooks, treeBooks, digital printing and The New Book
Publishing Model.  For more info: DanPoynter@ParaPublishing.com

Dan Snow will speak on the panel titled "How POD Can Fatten
Your Bottom Line" at PMA University in NYC on May 2:

        e-mail: rick@pma-online.org

BookExpo America 2002 will be in New York at the Jacob Javitts
Center from May 3-5, 2002:


As always, when you contact organizations featured in our
bulletins, kindly mention that you were referred to them by
Poynter and Snow from U-Publish.com.


        *** Numbers Don't Lie

A recent announcement from a company that has been termed a
"vanity press" by Publishers Weekly boasted about the printing
of its 500,000th book.  Yet the very same announcement also
stated that the company "currently has almost 10,000 titles
by more than 8,000 authors."

Simply dividing 500,000 books by 10,000 titles paints quite
a picture of how many copies of each book have been printed
to date.

If you are considering publishing a book with a vanity or
subsidy press, read the fine print and COMPARE before you
sign or send money.  There are substantial differences in
companies that publish books for a fee.  As noted above,
see http://www.geocities.com/dehannabailee/pod.htm for a
comparison chart to get started.


        *** B&T to Order POD Books from LSI/Ingram

(January 3, 2002) - Baker & Taylor, one of the industry's top
full line distributors of books, video and music to libraries
and retailers, today announced it is adding Lightning Source
(LSI) to its offering of print-on-demand and order fulfillment.

LSI is a subsidiary of Ingram.  Ingram is the world's largest
wholesale distributor of books, especially to major bookstore
chains.  B&T is the other leading distributor, and is strong
in library and academic markets.

This news means that independent publishers who work with LSI
(or intermediaries like iUniverse, XLibris, Unlimited
Publishing LLC and others that are LSI affiliates) can now
make books more readily available to B&T customers.

B&T has its own POD unit, Replica Books.  Replica is also
used by many independent publishers, and POD services that
serve authors and publishers.  At least one leading POD
company works with both LSI and Replica.

LSI will be the first to print the upcoming new edition of
"U-Publish.com" by Dan Poynter and Danny O. Snow.
The book will also become available from Replica later
this year.


        *** Important Note for Subscribers

If you receive our bulletins at a Hotmail or Yahoo address,
please put our reply e-mail address (NewsDesk@U-Publish.com)
in your "address book."  If not, future issues could be
accidentally filtered by Hotmail or Yahoo, in their efforts
to block unsolicited commercial e-mail.  As you know, our
bulletins are 100% subscription-only, but unfortunately some
e-mail services will not deliver mail unless the sender's
address is included in your address book.  We apologize for
any inconvenience, and appreciate your help.  More info:



Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free service that is
available to all publishing professionals on request.


        *** Quotation of the Month:
        *** e-Books in Ancient e-Gypt?

"The poor archival quality of papyrus will result in stone
forever retaining its pre-eminence in the transmission
of textual information ..."

-- Paraphrased from Richard Nash's humorous commentary
on NPR's 12/20/01 announcement that e-Books are dead.


        *** Third Edition Coming Early in 2002
        *** Special Offer for Subscribers!

"U-Publish.com 3.0" is due out shortly, in both paperback and
e-Book formats.  If you liked the first or second edition, you
will LOVE the new one!  It will include expanded sections on
selling books directly to readers for better earnings, many new
tips and tricks for online promotion, extensive lists of contacts
that will be updated regularly on the Web, and the latest on Dan
Poynter's "New Book Model" for independent publishers.

The paperback will remain $14.99 to the general public ... but
subscribers to this newsletter may pre-order by sending a check
or money order for $9.99 to:

Dan Snow, U.Publish.com
Dep't 1469, P.O. Box 99
Nashville, Indiana 47448

Postage and handling are included as well.  We appreciate your
participation in our online community, and want to give you the
best deal possible, as a gesture of thanks.  This offer will
expire soon, so please order your copy today.  As noted above,
we will not cash your checks until the books are ready, but
please send your order soon, thanks!


Don't forget to visit http://www.u-publish.com at least once
a month, for new info of interest to authors and publishers.

Feel free to forward copies of this message to others who may
be interested.  Subscriptions are available free upon request.


The fine print:

This is a free e-mail bulletin from U-Publish.com, the web site
named for the book by Dan Poynter and Danny O. Snow.

We do not endorse specific products or services, and we do not
accept advertising.  We will not sell your name, address or
other personal information to others at any time.

Please visit http://www.u-publish.com at least once each month,
for periodic updates of interest to writers and publishers.

Please feel free to forward copies of this message to fellow
writers and publishers.  This is a free service, available to
to all upon request.  You may subscribe or unsubscribe at any
time.  Simply notify us by e-mail at: subs@u-publish.com


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