
This is a free e-mail bulletin for subscribers only, sent from
"U-Publish.com," the web site named for the revolutionary guide
to new methods for publishing and promoting books by Dan Poynter
and Danny O. Snow.  Get the 2002-2003 edition, now available to
order from major bookstores, leading online booksellers, or at
http://www.u-publish.com/order.htm in paperback or e-book form.


        *** Holiday Book Sales Echo 2002 Doldrums

According to Daisy Maryles of Publishers Weekly (12/23/2002)
"Great Expectations... Were they met in those heady weeks of
December, when publishers and booksellers count on huge sales
for their top titles?  Certainly not at the major chains, and
if their numbers are down, other retailers in all likelihood
are also down."

The aftermath of September 11, 2001 (combined with a general
downturn in the U.S. economy) made 2002 a tough year for most
publishers, large and small.

In a down market, the importance of efficiency and economy can
not be overstated.  Co-author Dan Poynter's 'New Book Model,'
as covered in Chapter 6 of "U-Publish.com," is a prime example
of how independent publishers can lower start-up costs, reduce
waste, and tap lucrative non-traditional markets outside the
conventional book trade.  For details, see:


Poynter & Snow remain strong in our conviction that new methods
for producing and promoting books can help indie publishers
succeed, even in difficult times.  We wish our readers a better
year in 2003, and thank you for joining us in the revolution
that is already underway.


        *** Random v. Rosetta Sidesteps e-Rights Issue

Random House and RosettaBooks.com have made an out-of-court
settlement in their controversial lawsuit over e-book rights.
The settlement ended the potential for a landmark ruling that
might have held major significance for authors and publishers.

Previously, Random House sought to block Rosetta's publication
of e-book editions of writing by Kurt Vonnegut, William Styron
and Robert Parker to which Random held the print rights.
Rosetta had acquired direct licenses with the authors for e-book
rights to the works.

Random argued that its earlier print contracts covered e-books
as well, in spite of the fact that other forms of electronic
rights (film, TV, etc) had been treated separately for years.

Some observers had wished the case would go all the way to
trial, in the hope that a definitive ruling might set important
precedents for the future of electronic publishing.

Now settled out-of-court, the case leaves unanswered questions
about e-books and e-rights for which existing laws are simply
inadequate in the face of new technologies.

In an earlier statement exclusive to U-Publish.com co-author
Danny O. Snow, Dian Killian of the National Writers Union
noted that 'creators' (writers and other artists) are not to
blame.  "Both the Napster and Random House cases illustrate how
new models for selling digital content and compensating artists
are essential.  Creators aren't Luddites.  We want our content
to be available -- we just want to be paid fairly for it.  The
industry and courts simply need to to respond to new conditions
created by new technologies to ensure that creators are pro-
tected and getting their fair share."

Co-author Snow predicts that major changes in copyright law are
coming in the 21st century, and that the full potential of e-
publishing will not be realized without them.


        *** Open e-Book Forum Releases Survey

New York, New York, December 16, 2002: The Open eBook Forum
announced the findings of a Consumer Survey on e-Books.

Contrary to a commonly held industry belief, results indicate no
correlation between computer skills or daily Internet use and
downloading an eBook.

Factors in consumer willingness to read eBooks in the future
were also measured:

*  67% of respondents agreed that they would like to read an
eBook in the future;
*  62% said they would read an eBook from their library;
*  61% said eBooks should be priced the same as paper books; and
*  70% said that they would buy an eBook if it could be read
on any computer.




Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free service that is
available to everyone in the book world upon request.


        *** Possible Review for Southwest Theme Books

Got a book that involves Las Vegas, Nevada or the Southwest?

Fiction or non-fiction wanted -- everything from outdoors and
nature to lifestyle, cooking, gardening, architecture, sports,
history, politics etc.  (But no how-to gambling books.)

Contact Carolyn Hayes Uber, Stephens Media Group, 1111 West
Bonanza Road, Las Vegas, NV 89106 or send e-mail to Carolyn at:


        *** ActionTales Seeks Fast-Paced Fiction

ActionTales.com is a new e-Book and POD book site that specializes
in action-packed fiction, as the name implies.

Unlike some services that accept almost anything for a price,
they screen manuscripts before acceptance.  For authors whose
work they accept, they offer a variety of quality services
at no charge.

For details about the kinds of books they are seeking, see:


As always, please mention that you heard about it here first.


        *** Snow to Moderate at BookTech 2003

U-Publish.com co-author Dan Snow will moderate the "Independent
and Small Publisher Trends & Technologies" panel at BookTech
2003 in NYC on March 4, 2003.  Panelists include John Feldcamp,
CEO of Xlibris, Ram Devineni of Rattapallax Press, and PMA board
member Florrie Kichler of Patria Press.

In recent years, BookTech has expanded its offerings for small
and indie publishers.  For more information, visit:



        *** Important Note for Subscribers

If you receive our bulletins at an Internet service like Hotmail,
Yahoo or Earthlink, PLEASE be sure to put our reply address
(newsdesk@u-publish.com) in your "address book."  If not, future
issues could be accidentally filtered by your service provider
in their efforts to block spam.  As you know, our bulletins are
100% subscription-only, but unfortunately some services will not
deliver them unless our reply address is included in your
address book.  We apologize for any inconvenience, and appreciate
your help.  Please tell others!  For more info, see:



Inside tip from Poynter & Snow:
Here's ours:

This is a free e-mail bulletin from U-Publish.com, the web site
named for the book by Dan Poynter and Danny O. Snow.

We do not endorse specific products or services, and we do not
accept advertising.  We will not sell your name, address or
other personal information to others for any reason at any time.

Our goal is to serve as advocates for the self-publisher or
independent publisher, large or small.  We welcome your
participation, feedback, criticism, and suggestions.

Please visit http://www.u-publish.com at least once each month,
for periodic updates of interest to writers and publishers.

Please feel free to forward copies of this message to fellow
writers and publishers.  This is a free service, available to
to all upon request.  You may subscribe or unsubscribe at any
time.  Simply notify us by e-mail at: subs@u-publish.com


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