
This is a free e-mail bulletin sent from "U-Publish.com," the
website named for the revolutionary guide to new methods for
publishing and promoting books by Dan Poynter and Danny O. Snow.


        *** Lead Story for July 15, 2001:
        *** Book Returns Growing, Says NY Times

Following the BISG.org report that showed a decline in book
sales during 2000 (as reported here last month), The New York
Times now says that book returns to conventional publishers
are growing.  According to reporter David Kirkpatrick:

"Book publishers are once again facing a rising tide of
unsold books returning from bookstores, a painful phenomenon
that just a few years ago became severe enough to cause a
crisis in the industry and widespread cutbacks in the pub-
lication of new books.

"Returns are a perennial risk in the book industry because
publishers' sales agreements with stores typically allow the
return of unsold inventory for a complete refund, a practice
similar to arrangements in other industries where retailers
take a chance on untested new products. Publishers normally
expect about 25 percent of their new books to return."

Poynter & Snow advocate selling directly to readers through
non-traditional channels, where returns are far less common.
In addition, we are proponents of "print on demand" and PQN
printing methods that drasticly reduce the impact of unsold
books.  Co-author Dan Poynter quips:

"Bookstores aren't the only place to sell books.  Bookstores
aren't even a good place to sell books.  In fact, bookstores
are a lousy place to sell books."  U-Publish.com shows you
how to tap other markets, with a smaller initial investment,
fewer risks and greater rewards than conventional methods.

Stay tuned to the U-Publish.com web site for the latest in
industry trends, and advice from Poynter & Snow that can
help you anticipate the trends and stay ahead of the
competition.  Please feel free to forward copies of this
message to other publishing professionals.  This is a free
service, available on request.


        *** Freebie from Books Just Books:

We reported this last month, but repeat it here because the
book is witty, informative, and free.

Get your own copy of "Publishing Basics - A Guide for the Small
Press and Independent Self-Publisher" at:


Please tell Ron that Dan Poynter and Danny O. Snow referred
you from the U-Publish.com newsletter, and enjoy the read!


        *** BookTech Reports on EDGE~UP

The July/August issue of BookTech the Magazine for Publishers
reports on the new partnership between BookZone and Unlimited
Publishing LLC (producer of U-Publish.com) on page 14.  The
new EDGE~UP package makes books available in printed and
electronic form, with broad distribution and promotion:



        *** New e-Book Reading Device

IPM-NET is introducing a new e-Book Reading device, Myfriend.
Myfriend is a device that contains e-Books, texts and hypertexts,
sounds, animation and images. The device features Microsoft
ClearType Technology (as seen with the Pocket PC) and a high-
resolution color touch-screen.  Also like the Pocket PC it uses
LIT format for e-Book files.



        *** Mibrary Closes Shop

Mibrary.com sought to serve e-publishers -- and consumers -- as
an online clearing house for electronic rights and permissions.
The concept was to provide a central location where consumers
could register and catalog their digital content, move it from
place to place, and obtain replacement copies more easily,
without wading through rivers of red tape and technobabble.

Possibly because it was ahead of its time, the company closed
after it was unsuccessful in its efforts to obtain additional
financing to sustain operations. 


        *** Quotations of the Month

"Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles
writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them.
There's many a bestseller that could have been prevented by
a good teacher."

-- Flannery O'Connor

"It's that pesky 99% of vanity presses that give the others
a bad name."

-- "Publishing Basics"


Don't forget to visit the U-Publish.com website at least once
a month, for new info of interest to authors and publishers.

Feel free to forward copies of this message to others who may
be interested.  Subscriptions are available free upon request.


The fine print:

This is a free e-mail bulletin from U-Publish.com, web site
named for the book by Dan Poynter and Danny O. Snow.

We do not endorse specific products or services, and we do not
accept advertising.  We will not sell your name, address or
other personal information elsewhere at any time.

Please visit http://www.u-publish.com at least once each month,
for periodic updates of interest to writers and publishers.

Please feel free to forward copies of this message to fellow
writers and publishers.  This is a free service, available to
to all upon request.  You may subscribe or unsubscribe at any
time.  Simply notify us by e-mail at: subs@u-publish.com
