
        *** Special "U-Pdate" for May 15, 2001

This is a free e-mail bulletin sent from "U-Publish.com," the
website named for the revolutionary guide to new methods for
publishing and promoting books by Dan Poynter and Danny O. Snow.

You may subscribe or unsubscribe at any time.  Simply notify
us by e-mail at: subs@u-publish.com.

We do not endorse specific products or services, and we do not
accept advertising.  We will not sell your address elsewhere.

Please visit http://www.u-publish.com at least once each month,
for periodic updates of interest to writers and publishers.

Please feel free to forward copies of this message to fellow
authors and publishers.  This is a free service, available to
to all publishing professionals upon request.


        *** BookZone & Unlimited Publishing
        *** Launch EDGE*UP

On May 15, BookZone and Unlimited Publishing (producer of the
latest edition of "U-Publish.com") announced a breakthrough
for independent publishers: an integrated system that lets
authors and publishers distribute books in printed AND electronic
form, with broader reach than other services.

Printed books can be available from thousands of bookstores world-
wide through the world's leading distributors, while e-Books
may be distributed in both of the leading formats, PDF and OEB.

The cost is remarkably low, and includes high quality production
services (printed and electronic) and more effective promotion
than other systems.  The next edition of "U-Publish.com" will be
released using this dynamic new service.

For info, see http://www.unlimitedpublishing.com/bookzone.htm
or http://www.bookzone.com/?u-pub and look for news about the
new EDGE*UP system.


        *** Searching for the Elusive eBook Market
        *** Who are the Players?  What Do They Really Want?

A thoughtful article by Doris Booth explores the difference
between vanity presses and legitimate independent publishing
services.  "It is a time for caution among serious writers,
publishers and agents as we all learn to distinguish between
great opportunity and great charade." 

For the entire story, please visit:



        *** U-Publish.com Receives Literary Resource Award

"You have a marvelous web site providing a great service to the
Literary Community," wrote JD Williams, in presenting the 2001
Literary Resource Award to U-Publish.com.  "To say we were im-
pressed is an understatement."

For details, please visit:



Many independent publishers also enjoy sideline careers as
public speakers -- or vice versa.  Check out the many free
downloadable articles on this site:


Why figure it all out for yourself when Burt Dublin has years
of experience to share with you?


Introducing another new -- and free -- service from U-Publish.com
for authors and publishers:

Check out our guest editorial from Forrest Barriger, "E-books:
Where Do They Go From Here?"  Now available online at:


If you have an opinion about new technologies for producing and
promoting books, feel free to submit your own commentary.  Guest
editorials must be 400 words or less in length, and must include
permission for us to reproduce them indefinitely.  Naturally, we
can't guarantee publication online or in print, but your input
will receive serious consideration.


        *** Books dropped by MightyWords and iUniverse

If you, or someone you know, will soon need a new outlet for an
independently published book that has been distributed through the
by one of companies above, make sure you ask the right questions
before you sign or send money elsewhere.

Before you select a new self-publishing service, be sure to read
these important warnings:


Thousands of writers have been effected by recent changes in the
policies of these services.  U-Publish.com will continue to
cover new developments at our website.


Don't forget to visit the U-Publish.com website at least once
a month, for new info of interest to authors and publishers.

Feel free to forward copies of this message to others who may
be interested.  Subscriptions are available free upon request.
