
This is a free e-mail bulletin for subscribers only, sent from
"U-Publish.com," the web site named for the revolutionary guide
to new methods for publishing and promoting books by Dan Poynter
and Danny O. Snow.  Get the new 2002-2003 edition, now available
to order from major bookstores, leading online booksellers, or
at http://www.u-publish.com in paperback.


        *** More Students Buy-Sell-Trade Books Online

USA Today reports: "...students frustrated by the high cost of
books are turning to the Net, where they can buy, sell and even
trade with fellow students."

Full story, released August 27:



        *** Regional Best Sellers

BookSense, sponsored by the American Booksellers Ass'n, now
provides a listing of popular titles that is segmented geograph-
ically.  Whether you have a hot title or not, this is helpful
to the independent publisher as a guide to targeting your book(s)
more accurately.  For example, you might find that a book about
organic gardening is popular in the Pacific Northwest.  This
would suggest concentrating promotions for your book about the
dangers of pesticides in the same region.  Contact Kristen
Gilligan at 1-800-637-0037 Ext 1286 or kristen@bookweb.org

For details: http://www.bookweb.org/booksense/listmarketing


        *** New Book Review Outlet

Send books on Romance, Writing, Children, Inspirational, Horror,
Adult, Erotic and Fantasy.  Query by e-mail with a description
of the book first.  Misti Jackson: mrj75@shawneelink.net


Inside tip from Poynter & Snow:

Please remember we believe that book reviews are better than
paid advertising.  Advertising is expensive; editorial coverage
is free.  Furthermore, book reviews have credibility in the eyes
of the public; advertising does not.

See the new 2002 edition of "U-Publish.com" for an extensive
list of potential book review outlets.


Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free service that is
available to all publishing professionals on request.


        *** Another FREE e-Book:

Absolute Write offers a free e-book, "The Writer's Online Guide-
lines Book" (more than 100 paying markets for your writing) when
you sign up for either of their online newsletters:



        *** More on Packaging and Mailing of Books

Last month, we retracted an earlier suggestion to use cheap
envelopes to fulfill book orders from readers.  U-Publish.com
subscriber Dave McLane adds:

"Another consideration is protecting yourself from people who
claim they didn't receive the book when you know you've sent it.
Solution for me is to add another $0.55 for a US Postal Service
Delivery Confirmation which allows both you and them to check
the Confirmation Number with www.usps.com to see if it's been
mailed and/or received. Cheap, and saves having to send out
another copy."

Thanks to our subscribers for sharing their experiences.  We
are building an online community of authors and publishers,
and your input is invaluable.


        *** New Book Publicist

"I am a Los Angeles-based professional book publicist -- and
welcome any of your authors that may need help publicizing
their works on radio/TV, book reviews. etc. 

"Our web site at http://www.thebarrettco.com outlines services
and we are very, very affordable."


        *** Warren Adler E-Sheets

An online archive of Warren Adler E-Sheets is now available:



Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free service that is
available to all publishing professionals on request.


        *** Reminder: FREE Offer for Subscribers

Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. (UPI Senior Business Correspondent) offers
U-Publish.com subscribers a special freebie:

"TrendSiters - Trends in e-Publishing and e-Books" - An anthology
of dozens of essays about digital content, e-publishing, and
e-books, is available for free. To request your copy, send an
e-mail to palma@unet.com.mk with "U-Publish Freebie" in the
subject line.


        *** Important Note for Subscribers

If you receive our bulletins at a web-based address like Hotmail or
Yahoo, PLEASE put our reply address (NewsDesk@U-Publish.com)
in your "address book."  If not, future issues could be
accidentally filtered by Hotmail or Yahoo, in their efforts
to block unsolicited commercial e-mail.  As you know, our
bulletins are 100% subscription-only, but unfortunately some
e-mail services will not deliver them unless our reply
address is included in your address book.  We apologize for
any inconvenience, and appreciate your help.  More info:



Inside tip from Poynter & Snow:
Here's ours:

This is a free e-mail bulletin from U-Publish.com, the web site
named for the book by Dan Poynter and Danny O. Snow.

We do not endorse specific products or services, and we do not
accept advertising.  We will not sell your name, address or
other personal information to others at any time.

Our goal is to serve as advocates for the self-publisher or
independent publisher, large or small.  We welcome your
participation, feedback, criticism, and suggestions.

Please visit http://www.u-publish.com at least once each month,
for periodic updates of interest to writers and publishers.

Please feel free to forward copies of this message to fellow
writers and publishers.  This is a free service, available to
to all upon request.  You may subscribe or unsubscribe at any
time.  Simply notify us by e-mail at: subs@u-publish.com


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