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how to self-publish a book

The Savvy Self-Publisher is a free newsletter sent by e-mail, with tips and tricks to help the streetwise author publish a book quickly and economically -- and to promote it more effectively. It contains success stories of self-publishers in action, and a treasure trove of tools to help you reach more readers.

Below are EXCERPTS from the current issue. Click HERE to get the FULL newsletter by e-mail, free of charge.

Please note: the excerpts below are intentionally formatted very simply, as they appear in our no-nonsense e-mail bulletins. For a more polished presentation, please visit our blog at where you can also post your feedback, or share ideas with fellow authors and publishers.


Bad News? Or Good Motivation?

The Guardian (UK) reports: "There has never been a tougher
time to be a debut novelist - only a tiny fraction receive six-
figure advances, and most manuscripts end up in the shredder."

BUT, Dan Snow adds: "This means there has never been a BETTER
time to self-publish!"  Self-publishing does NOT preclude the
option to sign with a publisher.  As Dan Poynter says, "Get your
book in print, prove its public appeal, then contact publishers.
If you get a good offer, sell out.  If not, you already have all
the right pieces in place..."  Visit for real-life case
histories, tips and tricks, and regularly updated resources for
authors and publishers.


It's All in the Timing!

Dan Snow says: for press releases, the conventional wisdom is
that "Monday is a slow news day."  Therefore, transmit news
releases over the weekend to improve the chance of getting your
press release on an editor's desk on Monday morning.

Penny Sansevieri ( adds:

"Doing a mailing?  Why not mail your packets on a Saturday to
insure you get your mail into the hands of your recipient by
Monday or Tuesday!  Anything sent later in the week might be
lost in the shuffle."

-- Tip courtesy of Brian Jud,


Don't forget MBR:

Midwest Book Review: dedicated to showcasing reviews of
independently published, self-published, and POD published

MBR reviews appear on Amazon, and in other mainstream book
industry channels, often otherwise unavailable to the little
guy.  Editor Jim Cox has devoted years in support of the indie
and small press movements.



PMA director Jan Nathan was recently diagnosed with endometrial
cancer and is undergoing treatment that requires her to be out
of the office for an extended amount of time.  She has worked
tirelessly on behalf of authors and publishers over many years.
Send your support to her son:


Radio Daze:

"Talk radio interviews aren't what they used to be. In the
'golden days,' the hosts of major-market talk radio shows used
to bring authors into the studio for long chats. An author could
just knock off a couple of those interviews and sales would
instantly hit 'turbo.' Sadly, those days are gone. Unless an
author is a truly big name nowadays, the chances of hitting pay-
dirt with just a couple of big radio interviews are history."

-- Marsha Friedman


Danny O. Snow adds that today, print coverage often attracts
more readers than coverage by broadcast media, while radio and
TV fare better than Web.  BUT... online coverage lasts longest,
and tends to accumulate over time.  Choosing the best medium
for promotion of your book can be an important factor in your
success!  Please read 4.0 before you decide.


Fourth Edition Now Available:

The new 2007 edition of " 4.0" is out.  For a limited
time only, early adopters get a deep discount.  A single new tip
could save you MANY TIMES the cost of getting the latest edition.
Also watch for special customized editions from Independent
Publisher Online, and others who serve self-publishers!

From a recent review in Writers World: "I would recommend 4.0 to anyone who even thinks of writing and
publishing a book."

-- Maryanne Raphael, Writers World



For a modest fee, your book can be seen by thousands of readers,
publishers and booksellers.  The SPAWN catalog, with your ad
inside, will be distributed to several hundred people at the L.A.
Times Festival of Books.  Your catalog ad will also be posted at
the SPAWN.ORG Web site for a full year.  The absolute deadline
for new catalog listings is April 5, 2006.

Sign up now by going to


Special Edition to Support

Download a PDF copy of "Steal this e-Book?" or order a paperback
to support The Society for New Communications Research:

All profits will be donated to SNCR, a nonprofit global think
tank dedicated to the advanced study of new communications
tools, technologies and emerging modes of communication, and
their effect on traditional media, professional communications,
business, culture and society.

For more information, e-mail

*** Contests! Contests!  Contests! ***

WD Contest Offers $15,000 in Prizes:

15th Annual Self-Published Book Awards: Writer's Digest is
searching for the best self-published books of the past few
years.  Here's your chance to enter a competition exclusively
for self-published books. More than $15,000 in prizes.  Visit for
details or e-mail for



The 2007 competition is open to all POD, self-published and
small press titles with publication dates from 2004-2007.
Winners & Finalists will be announced at Book Expo America
in NYC June 1, 2007. Entry Deadline: April 14, 2007.



Call for submissions:

The 2007 New York Book Festival will consider published, self-
published and independent publisher non-fiction, fiction,
books for children, teenage, how-to, audio/spoken word, comics,
e-books, wild card (anything goes!), science fiction, romance
and biography/autobiography works:


Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free resource that is
available to anyone in the book world upon request.  We don't
accept fees for mentioning products or services, and we do not
accept paid advertising.  You may subscribe or un-subscribe at
any time.


Turn your book cover into a postage stamp:

Turn your book cover into a postcard:

Both sites above provide fast and easy online setup with no
signup charges or minimums. will even mail
individual postcards out for you at a total cost of just 35
cents plus 24 cents postage.  No licking stamps or waiting on
line at the post office... just create a postcard with your
book's cover, and type in the delivery addresses.  A cool time-
saver -- and a useful tool for promoting your book!


The items above are EXCERPTS from our latest newsletter. Click HERE to get the FULL newsletter by e-mail, free of charge.

Comments are welcome at where you can share your feedback with fellow authors and independent book publishers.

Many earlier articles are also available. Use the form below to search for any topic of interest to you. Enter keyword(s) then press the Enter key. A new window will open with results; simply close new window to return here:

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