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The Savvy Self-Publisher is a free newsletter sent by e-mail, with tips and tricks to help the streetwise author publish a book quickly and economically -- and to promote it more effectively. It contains success stories of self-publishers in action, and a treasure trove of tools to help you reach more readers.

Please click HERE for a free subscription. Please note: the excerpts below are intentionally formatted very simply, as they appear in our no-nonsense e-mail bulletins. For a more sophisticated appearance, please visit our blog at

According to a survey by USA Today, more than 82% of Americans
intend to write a book someday.


*** Supreme Court Tightens Digital Copyrights ***

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that software companies that
enable illegal music downloads can be held liable for damages:

The ruling will also impact filmmakers as broadband matures
and movies become more easily downloaded.

For publishers in the digital age, the decision could signal
easier remedies in copyright infringement suits.  However, it
is unlikely that consumers themselves will stop "sharing"
books, music or movies, using open-source software such as
OpenNap or simply passing copies to family and friends.

Poynter and Snow have long argued that publishers will deter
piracy more effectively by charging readers less, and paying
authors more, rather than relying on encryption and litigation.

To illustrate, has had great success offering low-
cost legal downloads as an alternative to piracy, as we pre-
dicted years ago.  The same will prove true for books:
consumers are more likely to steal a high-priced product,
but many will opt to stay legal when the price is modest.

*** Rowling Blocks e-Books of the "Half-Blood Prince" ***
MODESTO, Calif. -- The author of the popular children's book
series "Harry Potter" won't allow the next edition in the series,
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," to be available as an
e-book, according to a report in the Modesto Bee.

Rowling has not licensed any of the six titles as an e-Book.
A lawyer for the author says e-publishing wasn't an area she
explored, but wouldn't comment if a concern about piracy was a
factor, the report says.
Source: BookTech Extra:


Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free service that is
available to anyone in the book world upon request.  We don't
endorse specific products or services, and we do not accept
advertising.  You may subscribe or un-subscribe at any time.


*** Talk-N-Books is Back ***

"We have a new Editor by the name of Janet Coleman and she has 
promised to make 2005 the best year ever for Talk-N-Books.
We will have new author profiles, book reviews, interviews,
literary news, articles and contests."  Authors, publishers and
publicists interested in promoting books can contact Janet
Coleman at


*** Reminder: Snow Seeks Manuscripts for Test Publication *** co-author Dan Snow wants a few new books to test
for paperback publication at this site: short non-fiction only,
with a bare minimum of pictures, graphs, charts or graphics.

Books on writing, publishing, technology or marketing preferred,
but will consider any practical topic that is well written.

No fees.  Authors get generous royalties, good exposure at and elsewhere.  DO NOT SEND MANUSCRIPTS!  Query
by e-mail first:


"Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies" was the first book sold


Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free service that is
available to anyone in the book world upon request.  We don't
endorse specific products or services, and we do not accept
advertising.  You may subscribe or un-subscribe at any time.


*** Fiction Sleuths Take Note! ***

The New Criminologist has launched an online bookstore as part
of its site, combined with relevant news articles.  The site is
also used by journalists and TV/film producers for research.
If you write whodunnits, investigate their site: 


*** Call for Inspirational Writers ***

Woodland Gospel Publishing is seeking inspirational writers for
several biographical projects pertaining to the Southern Gospel
industry.  Woodland Press is also jurying nonfiction Appalachian
history. For more information, e-mail:


YOUR FEEDBACK: Poynter and Snow receive announcements for
writers on a daily basis.  We value your feedback about the
the items you read here, good or bad.  If you have a positive
experience (or a negative one) from any of the reports here,
notify Poynter and Snow, and we will tell others.


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