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how to self-publish a book
The Savvy Self-Publisher is a free newsletter sent by e-mail, with tips and tricks to help the streetwise author publish a book quickly and economically -- and to promote it more effectively. It contains success stories of self-publishers in action, and a treasure trove of tools to help you reach more readers.

Please click HERE for a free subscription. Please note: the excerpts below are intentionally formatted very simply, as they appear in our no-nonsense e-mail bulletins. For a more sophisticated appearance, please visit our blog at

The Web site will welcome its 60,000th visitor in
November 2004.  THANK YOU for making our site, and our books, so
popular!  We will work hard to reward your interest, and trust.


*** Advance Copies of New Edition for Subscribers Only ***

Advance copies of the upcoming 2005 edition of our book are
now available exclusively to subscribers from Books Just Books,
with public release to follow in January.  As an additional
gesture of appreciation to newsletter subscribers, those who
place advance orders will get a substantial discount and a free
copy of "Publishing Basics."


*** Hold Free Books Until January ***

Co-author Dan Poynter reminds us to be careful about sending out
review copies in November and December.  This is due to reports
that some unethical "reviewers" may use them for holiday gifts!

It is fine, however, to send galley proofs for possible review,
as well as copies to members of the working press.

At this time of year, books in production should use a 2005
copyright and publication date, rather than 2004.  This avoids
a situation where a book looks like "last year's news" in early
2005 when it is actually fresh.


*** Pledge for Ethical Business ***

Shel Horowitz wants 25,000 people to endorse and spread
the idea that ethical business is effective and profitable.
His goal: a "critical mass" to make the next Enron impossible,
because employees won't cooperate with crooked directives:


*** Free Listings for Black Authors/Publishers ***

The Grace Company will publish the Black Authors and
Published Writers Directory in February, Black History Month.
Updated daily, free listings.


Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free service that is
available to anyone in the book world upon request.  We don't
endorse specific products or services, and we do not accept
advertising.  You may subscribe or un-subscribe at any time.


*** Charlie Barrett Named Publicist of the Year ***

The Book Publicists of Southern California organization has
named Charlie Barrett its 2004 Book Publicist of the Year:

"I have found U-Publish.Com a very valuable source of information
in helping me help my author clients," he says.


*** IndyLit Now Accepting Award Entries ***

The Independent Literature Institute, a non-profit, online co-op
known as IndyLit, hosts an annual "Ulysses" Award.

Now accepting submission of short stories or novel excerpts from
independent presses and self-published authors up to 6,000 words.
$10 reading fee.


*** New e-Zine for Writers ***

Author profiles, book reviews, interviews, literary news,
articles and contests: Contact


*** Contest for Humorists ***

Mona Schreiber Prize for Humorous Fiction and Nonfiction.
Works up to 750 words in length should be typed, double-spaced,
accompanied by a money order or check for $5. No limit to
entries but each must pay a separate fee.

All entries must be postmarked by December 1 for a December 24
announcement of three winners: 1st: $500. 2nd: $250. 3rd: $100.

Entries are not returned and must be unpublished. Humor is
subjective. Uniqueness is suggested. Weirdness is encouraged.


*** Memoire Competition, Deadline 12/15 ***

The Writers' Workshop, a nonprofit organization founded in 1985,
announces its 13th Annual Memoire Competition.

Deadline: postmarked by December 15, 2004. Word limit 6,000.
Multiple entries are accepted.  All work must be unpublished.
The entry fee is $18 per memoire. First Prize: $300. Second
Prize: $200  Third Prize: $100. Ten Honorable Mentions.


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