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how to self-publish a book
The Savvy Self-Publisher is a free newsletter sent by e-mail, with tips and tricks to help the streetwise author publish a book quickly and economically -- and to promote it more effectively. It contains success stories of self-publishers in action, and a treasure trove of tools to help you reach more readers.

Please click HERE for a free subscription. Please note: the excerpts below are intentionally formatted very simply, as they appear in our no-nonsense e-mail bulletins. For a more sophisticated appearance, please visit our blog at

*** Billions in Book Sales Made "Under the Radar" ***

The Book Industry Study Group has started counting book sales
made beyond bookstores and libraries, adding BILLIONS of dollars
in annual book revenues:

Poynter and Snow have long argued that there is a HUGE (and
largely unreported) market for books by self-publishing authors
and independent publishers.  The report from BISG supports our
position that micro publishers play an increasingly vital role
in today's publishing industry.

We consider this a landmark report that demonstrates how many
books are selling through non-traditional channels today.  By
using our methods for selling books beyond conventional outlets,
you can join a revolution that is already underway!


Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free resource that is
available to anyone in the book world upon request.  We don't
endorse specific products or services, and we do not accept
advertising.  You may subscribe or un-subscribe at any time.


*** Quotation of the Month: "A Minor Classic" ***

"A minor classic is that book which occasions little notice
when published, and no stir among the buying public.  It appears
in one small edition, or maybe two if members of of the author's
family buy a few extra copies, and it dies a quick and natural
death.  But as the decades pass...It enjoys a subterranean life,
kept alive by scholars and affectionate laymen...They whisper
to one another 'You ought to read this little book by So-and-so.
It's a gem.'  And after a hundred years we find that more people
have read this little book by So-and-so than have read the
popular success which was a sensation in its day."

-- The 1976 Bicentennial Commission, as quoted by James Michener
in his best-selling book CHESAPEAKE


*** Reminder: Low Cost e-Books for Writers ***

In Sept-Oct only, PDF e-Books for writers are available at
special prices (as low as zero!) to subscribers of this
newsletter, courtesy of


*** Reminder: Help the 'Hurricane Heroes' ***

Shelly Williams is starting a book that will honor those who
responded to Hurricane Katrina survivors with love, compassion
and generosity.  She needs stories quickly, to complete the book.
Once the book has been completed 100 percent of the profits will
go to the American Red Cross.  To submit a story, please e-mail -- and please invite others to
submit.  All contributors will be acknowledged in the book
and receive a copy.


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