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how to self-publish a book
The Savvy Self-Publisher is a free newsletter sent by e-mail, with tips and tricks to help the streetwise author publish a book quickly and economically -- and to promote it more effectively. It contains success stories of self-publishers in action, and a treasure trove of tools to help you reach more readers.

Please click HERE for a free subscription. Please note: the excerpts below are intentionally formatted very simply, as they appear in our no-nonsense e-mail bulletins. For a more sophisticated appearance, please visit our blog at

*** NYT and PW Praise Self-Publishing ***

As reported in The New York Times, 9/8/04:

"...Self-publishing is much easier now," said Calvin Reid,
an editor at Publishers Weekly. "Before, you had to spend
thousands of dollars.  Now you can have your book wonderfully
published for several hundred dollars and print on demand."

Add to that, "conscientious, relentless marketing,"
Mr. Reid said, "and you have a recipe for success..."


*** Co-Author Published in PMA Newsletter ***

Co-author Dan Snow's article on bringing out-of-print books back
to life is running in the current issue of the national news-
letter for the Publishers Marketing Association:


*** Free Online Exposure for Authors? ***

Author's Life is looking for authors to profile and interview
in their new e-zine.  E-mail the editor, Cindy Butler with your
bio and a brief summary of your book:


Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free service that is
available to anyone in the book world upon request.  We don't
endorse specific products or services, and we do not accept
advertising.  You may subscribe or un-subscribe at any time.


*** Writers' Workshop Contents ***

Short Fiction Contest: Deadline November 15, 2004.  First Prize
$350, Second Prize $250, Third Prize $100, Honorable Mentions.
The entry fee is $18.

13th Annual Memoirs Competition: Deadline December 15, 2004.
First Prize $300, Second Prize $200, Third Prize $100, Ten
Honorable Mentions.  The entry fee is $18.

Enclose legal size self-sealing SASE for critique and list of
winners, make check or money order payable to The Writers'
Workshop, and send to:  

(Name of contest), 387 Beaucatcher Road, Asheville, NC 28805


*** "Best Books of 2004" Deadline October 15 ***

For more information about submissions and fees:

Winners receive national exposure and will be announced November
1st.  Questions?  Call 800-733-6511.


*** Finding Literary Agents ***

Resources and articles such as: "Nine Tips for Finding an Agent,"
"Finding an Agent in the Age of the Internet" and FAQs:


Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers.  This is a free service that is
available to anyone in the book world upon request.  We don't
endorse specific products or services, and we do not accept
advertising.  You may subscribe or un-subscribe at any time.


*** Reminder: Transcript of Nat'l Radio Broadcast ***

Co-author Dan Snow was interviewed on the popular "Ask Heloise"
radio show coast-to-coast on August 15.

See for a transcript of talking points,
and links to helpful resources -- many free -- for independent


*** Reminder: Item from Publishing Poynters ***

The previous Publishing Poynters reported that the law firm of
Robert L. Lewis (219-944-2755) is gathering information
concerning deception, misrepresentation and fraud for a class
action suit on behalf of writers against 1stBooks Library
(a/k/a AuthorHouse):


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